  (Enders_game)  Spec Sheet
------General Information--------------------------------------------

Title		:Enders_game
Filename	:Enders_game.bsp
Author		:Peter Manson
Author Email	:peter@mickeymurphy.freeserve.co.uk
Home page	:none
Description	:small death-match map. Ideally suited to 4 players
Previous Maps	:none

------Credits and Thanks---------------------------------------------

Thanks to radium for reviewing this map.  


------Additional Info, Tips, and Notes-------------------------------

This is the first map i have made,
 e-mail me with any comments, questions, and/or critisim you may have.

------Play Information-----------------------------------------------

Deathmatch	:yes
Single Player	:no
Map Description	: small death-match
How Many Players: 2  -  6

------Map Information------------------------------------------------

New Textures	:none
New Sounds	:none

Base		:
Editor(s) used	:
Compile Machine	:
Compile time	:compiled using hlcc and took roughly 12 hours
Playtest time	:

------Map Instructions-----------------------------------------------

Unzip the files in this archive.  Place the map, "Enders_game.bsp" in
your half-life/valve/maps directory. 
 You can now run the map via a LAN setup.


As long as you mention my name,
 you may do what ever the hell you like to my map! 
                                                   (save the whales)