14.März.1999 =================================================================== Title: PC Filename: pc.bsp Author: Robert Mützner Email Address: robert.mützner@t-online.de Description: As I opened my PC to insert a network card, I had the great idea of building a PC for Half-Life. And so I searched in magazines and scanned and scanned to get all the textures. To make the gameplay higher I add certain plats and cubes which don´t exist in a PC. Hope you like it. Additional Credits to: i) ID software (for the great engine) ii) Valve/Sierra (for the greatest game) iii) JM! =================================================================== * Play Information * Single Player: No Cooperative: No Deathmatch: Yes No. of People for DM: 2-3 Difficulty Settings: No New Sounds: No New Graphics: Yepp New Music: No * Construction * Editor(s) used: WorldCraft 2.0 Known Bugs: None. Construction time: ~2 weeks (it takes a lot time to get all the textures!!!) Computer Used: P233 MMX, 64MB (DIMM's) Ram, 10,1 GB HD, Miro Hiscore 3D² 12MB, Windows 95(B). Build Times QCSG: 22 seconds QBSP2: 19 seconds VIS: 3435 seconds QRAD: 487 seconds Texture Wad used: Yes, PC.WAD (please copy the PC.WAD to your Valve-Directory) ==================================================================== *Installation* PC.bsp - [Map] goes in [HD]:\...\Half-life\valve\maps PC.WAD - [Textures] goes in [HD]:\...\Half-life\valve ==================================================================== p.s. Cool idea, isn´t it? p.p.s. HAVE FUN!