*==================================================================================* Converted to HLDM 10 February 2004 by qUiCkSiLvEr Small, fast, multilevel and deadly, but fun! This version (Righteous) has been retextured, reweaponed and relighted for HLDM The original quake map was called "scampdm5.bsp", source was released to the public domain under the Open Game Source License. A special version "scamp5dmhl.bsp" was also made that has all the original textures and lights for comparison purposes. *===================================================================================* <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Open Game Source License Required statement: 'scampdm5.map by Sean Campbell was used in the creation of Righteous, released under the ..::LvL Open Game Source License'. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Many thanks to Sean for his excellent mapping skills. A few of the original textures were used, which originally came from Fingers' ikbase texture set. Map Description: This is a small DeathMatch style of map with 4 different level, two ramps and a slime pit. The General map flow is set up so the very bottom level (green level) must be exited via one of two warps or by making use of the small bouncepad on the floor. The other levels (blue, green slime and red) are all interconnected buy ramps and turns with lots of places to jump from upper to lower levels or onto ledges. Surprise is a big factor in this map, you won't be able to camp too long without being discovered so if you pull of a fast one you'll want to move along quickly to a new spot. Since the bouncepad and the warps on the bottom level let players move upward very quickly, and the bouncepad on the second level will let players access levels 3 and 4 (with a little jumping skill that is) the central area will see the most activity as well as the most sudden death. There is a fair distribution of health and armor around and the bouncepads give a little health boost when you jump on them to compensate a bit for fall damage. I won't talk about secrets except to say that the key element in this map is surprise! Max Wpoly Max Epoly Comment ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- scampdm5hl: ? ? Righteous: 901 4739 Bottom Green Level Looking up thru all levels to skybox _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Weapons, ammo: Everything except gluon (egon) Health and armor: wide distribution, the bouncepads have a small health boost as well. Spawn Points: 14 Skybox: beautiful custom one I shamelessly borrowed from DocRock's Vicious map sprites/models: two custom sprites and no models. The smokefa sprite is a fixed axis version of the standard smoke1.spr. WADS: halflife.wad and xeno.wad plus 13 of the original Q3 textures and 4 custom textures. All non-standard textures are compiled into the BSP. Enhancements: You have to see them to believe them ... The direct convert to HL (close to original) map scampdm5hl is provided for comparison purposes as part of the distribution of Righteous. Tools Used: Valve Hammer 3.5 Beta, Zoners Tools, MS Imager, Wally, MGI photosuite winbspc, quark and bsp_view to name a few. Compile time: about 6 minutes total on a 850Mhz P3 under WinXP. Full Vis with extra rad and bounce 3. Map Size: 1.1Mb uncompressed. The original quake3 version was 917Kb. Download Time: Around 2 minutes under Steam. Known Problems: none known Final Thought: QS: "But is it FUN Darth????" _________________________________________________________________________________________ Many Thanks: ------------ To the great Beta Testers at Team [USA] for all their help and support and ideas, to Darth Sailor, X-15, Santa and Rev for their great support and comments. _________________________________________________________________________________________ Install: put the Righteous.bsp, Righteous.txt and Righteous.res files into the valve/maps directory. put the scampdm5hl.bsp, scampdm5hl.txt and scampdm5hl.res files into the valve/maps directory. put the 2 overview files (Righteous.bmp and Righteous.txt) into the valve/overview directory. put the 2 overview files (scampdm5hl.bmp and scampdm5hl.txt) into the valve/overview directory. put the 6 skybox files (blood_sport_??.tga) into the gfx/env folder. put the 2 custom sprites into the sprites folder. The zip archive is set up for easy install from the valve directory using pathnames. Enjoy! qUiCkSiLvEr http://www.mindspring.com/~ottalini/qUiCkSiLvEr.htm _________________________________________________________________________________________ Map Technical Specifications: Object names Objects/Maxobjs Memory / Maxmem Fullness ------------ --------------- --------------- -------- models 42/400 2688/25600 (10.5) planes 3652/32767 73040/655340 (11.1) vertexes 4924/65535 59088/786420 ( 7.5) nodes 2304/32767 55296/786408 ( 7.0) texinfos 464/32767 18560/1310680 ( 1.4) faces 3760/65535 75200/1310700 ( 5.7) clipnodes 3812/32767 30496/262136 (11.6) leaves 1190/8192 33320/229376 (14.5) marksurfaces 4626/65535 9252/131070 ( 7.1) surfedges 17465/512000 69860/2048000 ( 3.4) edges 8911/256000 35644/1024000 ( 3.5) texdata [variable] 216228/4194304 ( 5.2) lightdata [variable] 335679/4194304 ( 8.0) visdata [variable] 47833/2097152 ( 2.3) entdata [variable] 28888/524288 ( 5.5) 52 textures referenced === Total BSP file data space used: 1091072 bytes ===