======================================================================== Title : The Atomic Place Filename : atomdm4.bsp Date of Release : December 4, 1998 Author : J. P. Rhodes (who did you expect, your MOM?!?) Nickname, Handle : J1nxEd E-mail Address : j1nxed79@hotmail.com Other Communications : ICQ - 21100741 Description : Sludged deathmatch styled from Quake's DM4. This is my first Half-Life map, and is scaled a little small. I'd prefer no more than 5 people fragging it away on this map hence it's really tight around the corners and such. ======================================================================== * Play Information * Game : Half-Life Single Player : Nope Cooperative 2-4 Player : Nope Deathmatch 2-8 Player : Yup, more like 2 - 5 though. =\ Difficulty Settings : Nope New Textures : Nope Exit : Nope * Construction * Build Time : Approx. 35 hours Editor(s) Used : WorldCraft 2.0 Other Compile Tools : Huh hu huh hu huh.. it says "tool." Known Bugs : I think I squashed most of `em. Credits : Valve for the badass game, WorldCraft for the kickass "tool", id Software for their awesome games (especially Quake's DM4 design, used in this map but I changed it up a bit), and my girlfriend for not bitching too much about me wasting time building this map. And anyone else who I left off, sorry. I should take notes more on credits instead of burning hours staring at the monitor and drinking Dr. Pepper instead of beer. ;) * Permissions * You may distribute this level freely, as long as you don't get rich off of it, and include this text file and give all the credit of making the map to me. Oh yeah, screw Actura! ========================================================================