====================================================================== Title : Campground Filename : campground.bsp Author : Philip A. Hardin (a.k.a. Crowbar o' death, Vash, HappyCamper, etc.) Email : crowbar@austin.rr.com Description : Half-Life DM level for 3-12 players Release date : Dec. 20 2000 Campground is a Half-Life deathmatch map based on a summer camp theme. Wooden huts on stilts connect to each other by elevated walkways, overlooking low grassland carved up by streams and rivers. The highest huts hang from ledges in the canyon walls, and a tightrope connects to an elevated cliff plateau where choice weapons can be found. Numerous hiding spots, shadowy recesses, and secret passages make Campground a camper-friendly map, where stealth is as important as brawn. Campground is a fairly tall map and involves some vertical gameplay. Campground was partly inspired by "Gotham", an excellent map by Robert L. Miles. ====================================================================== Play Information Single Player : No Deathmatch : Yes Teamplay : Yes Cooperative : No New Sounds : No New Textures : No Players : 3-12 ====================================================================== Installation Unzip this archive (campground.zip) in your Half-Life\valve\maps folder. The file campground.bsp should be in this same folder after you unzip. ====================================================================== Construction Base : None (new map) Editor used : Worldcraft v3.3 Compile machine : 1 GHz AMD Athlon, 128MB RAM Compile time : 7.5 hours (with vis turned on) Design time : Far too long Known Bugs : None known ====================================================================== Other info Campground is a fairly high-polygon map. A 450 MHz Pentium III and a 16MB video card or better are recommended. Thanks to Wayde Edens, Steve Dobbelstein, and Bill Woleben for helping me playtest Campground. ====================================================================== Campground is copyright (c) 2000 by Philip A. Hardin. Permission is *granted* to distribute and modify this map freely. However, you must include this text file if you distribute Campground unmodified. If you build a new map from Campground, you must credit me for the base map. Happy camping!