------General Info--------------------------------------------

Date		:  Wednesday, 22:57, Apr 27, 2011
Title		:  KillBox_Wood
Filename		:  killbox_wood.bsp
Filesize		:  2.53 MB (2.655.276 bytes)
Author		:  naz
Author's Email	:  half-life-ros@hotmail.com
Author's ICQ	:  633894212
Author's Country	:  Spain
Previous Maps	:  pbg_crossfire, pbg_lightning (both maps not published)

------Map Description------------------------------------------------

This map is based on KillBox, but this map is different. The map is completely (90% or so?) made of wood,
it has some ramps (to do ramp-jump and slide), a lot of wooden boxes (like StalkYard), new buildings,
a lot of weapons/ammo/healthkits/batteries and a secret room (let's find it!).

------Play Information-----------------------------------------------

Deathmatch	:  Yes
Single Player 	:  info_player_start exists
How Many Players	:  2-16


Base		:  Based on KillBox, but created from scratch
Editor(s) used	:  Valve Hammer Editor 3.5 Spanish, Zoner's HL tools 3.4 Final, Wally, Batch Compiler
Time to Complete	:  10 days
Compile Machine	:  Windows XP SP3, 3GB RAM
Compile time	:  1m 59s (119.97 sec)
Playtest time	:  7 days
Custom Lighting	:  Yes
Custom Tex's	:  Yes

------Map Instructions-----------------------------------------------

Unzip the map (woodbox.bsp) in your maps folder.
e.g.: C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\Your@Account\half-life\valve\maps


thx tommyd, for leave me this readme structure (and for the last sentence),
and thx to salchichon and worry d cai for test this map (woodbox.bsp)


Agree me to MSN or Steam, because I never (1 time per month?) use ICQ. Neither send me emails,
I hardly ever look my emails.


Copyright © 2011. You may not use this map as a base to build other levels.
You'll have hard to remake it because is mostly made with custom textures =)
