================================================ CounterStrike Map Spec Sheet ================================================ --------------------------------------------------------------------- ------General Information-------------------------------------------- Title : nmsilo Release Date : 28th November 2001 Map name : nmsilo.bsp Author : Nagazaki Mitzurugi (n_golder) Email Address : nagazaki_m@yahoo.co.uk Home page : nagazakim.homestead.com (just copy paste the address to your address bar) Description : Conversion from the poplular Konami game "Metal Gear Solid" Previous Maps : NILL (not ones that I would deem releasable) --------------------------------------------------------------------- ------Map Information------------------------------------------------ New Textures : Plenty, all included into BSP ;) Missing Weapons : snarks + hornet gun Secrets : 2 Prefabs : NILL .BSP File Size : 5.26MB (unzipped) Known bugs : Please goto the section in this document, "Additional Info", near the bottom. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ------Construction--------------------------------------------------- Base : NONE! Programmes used : WorldCraft 3.3 Zoners 2.52 Compile Machine : Pentium 3 667MHz, 256MB RAM (it would be 666MHz if it wasn't for those superstitios twats at IBM.) Construction time : about 7 Months (debugging was about 2-3 of those months) :( Compile time : Not long. Little more than 1 hour. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------Install Instructions----------------------------------------------- Just start up the .EXE file "nmsilo" and click "install" it's that easy! Unless you have Half Life installed elsewhere, just browse through the directorys until you find "valve/maps" then click intstall. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------Additional info-------------------------------------------------- PLEASE READ THIS INFORMATION AS IT IS IMPORTANT!!! If you run CounterStrike in Software mode... don't... get yourself a graphics card!!! The polygons for this map are high in only one part to the map. I've spent so long reducing them I have gotten bored with the map... therefore I do not care about the polygon situation. If you have any comments about my reckless polygonal counts, please direct them here: nagazakim.homestead.com/pg (just copy/paste to internet address bar) ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------People who deserve a thank-you------------------------------- All you people who actually took the time to download the beta version of this map and sent me comments. Also to my friends who provided "last steps" information. Also to the people in the forums at www.jolt.co.uk and www.counter-strike.net YOU KNOW WHO YOU ALL ARE! And thanks to all the texture artists that made the textures used in this level!!! Special thanks goto: Nay www.geocities.com/nayisdeath/index.html {Not sure if these BDuvld www.geocities.com/csmappinguk/index.html (under construction){address's are correct -------COPYRIGHT-PERMISSIONS------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. Authors MAY NOT extract textures used in this level. You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH NO MODIFICATIONS!!!. If you don't co-operate, then DON'T DISTRIBUTE IT IN ANY FORM!!. This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorised to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission. Contact me at the above E-Mail address. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------