Map: outland_underground.bsp Game: Half-Life: Deathmatch (Half-Life Multiplayer) Creator: Koos Vai-oyn Readme Creation Date: 8/28/13 Description: Among the wooded outskirts of Brihammaggan City lies a hidden underground base. Its purpose - to serve as a storage and experimental facility for the relentless enlargement of the United States military, for Brihammaggan's ever expanding martial law, and most of all, for the luxury of the city's overly power oriented, wealth obsessed businessmen. The base, in short, distinguishes itself as a small-scale Area 51. Unfortunately, those who work at the base have consistently failed to meet numerous safety regulations among other minor expectations set by the U.S. dictator (or supposed "president") himself. The off-site managers of the base, nonetheless, seem not to care; they think that just as long as their work demands are fulfilled, then all is well. This has led the facility to operate mainly on its own personal whim and what has occurred since then is unknown. - New Content New Textures: No New Models: No New Sounds: Yes New Sound Info: Five original songs and one modified sound Despite Innumerable Odds (radio01_looped.wav) - Koos Vai-oyn Hyper Extremely Red Object (radio02_looped.wav) - Koos Vai-oyn A Gesture Toward the Light (radio03_looped.wav) - Koos Vai-oyn Pursuing a Lost Cause (radio04_looped.wav) - Koos Vai-oyn Dawn (ds_song09_dawn.wav) - Koos Vai-oyn bigwarning_mod.wav - Non-looped version of bigwarning.wav that repeats itself ten times, once every second Installation: Extract the files to C:/Program Files/Steam/SteamApps/common/Half-Life/valve Known Bugs: - Large sliding doors by blue forklift can be stopped as they are opening by pressing its associated button more than once - Relatively minor lighting issues - The "black hand" (darkened models) error is evident in the area with the spilled radioactive waste Compatibility Note: Those who must run Half-Life on older platforms or via software mode may experience latency issues while playing outland_underground due to the map's high detail in comparison to the standard multiplayer maps that accompany the game upon purchase. Special Thanks: Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh (Zoner's Half-Life Tools) Valve You Tommy of Escondido Elijah Tamok COPYRIGHT: - YOU ARE PERMITTED TO EMPLOY MY SONGS FOR NON-COMMERCIAL USE AS LONG AS YOU CREDIT ME FOR THEM. - YOU ARE FORBIDDEN, HOWEVER, TO REDISTRIBUTE ANY OF THE CONTENT IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM. - YOU ARE ALSO FORBIDDEN TO USE MY MAP OR ANY PART OF IT IN ANY OF YOUR OWN PUBLISHED MAPS. - YOU ARE PERMITTED TO USE THE MAP AND ITS CONTENT FOR VIDEOS AND COMICS, AS LONG AS I AM CREDITED. - YOU ARE PERMITTED TO DECOMPILE MY MAP FOR LEARNING PURPOSES, YET I FORBID YOU FROM DELIBERATELY COPYING AND PASTING COMPONENTS OF MY MAP INTO YOUR OWN. - YOU ARE FORBIDDEN TO, OR TO ATTEMPT TO, TWIST OR DEVISE YOUR OWN PITIFUL EXCUSES OR LOOPHOLES THAT WOULD SOMEHOW EXEMPT YOU FROM THESE GUIDELINES. I HOPE THAT YOU ARE AN INTELLIGENT ENOUGH INDIVIDUAL AS TO UNDERSTAND WHAT I WISH TO CONVEY TO YOU: Folks, just be kind, well-mannered digital citizens and do what is truly just. Thank you. - Koos Vai-oyn