Penguin Park
a Christmas themed deathmatch experience by DocRock

Map made for the 2016 Game Banana Winter Mapping Contest

Map information:
bsp name:	penguin_park.bsp
skybox name:	black 
map completed:	Dec 11, 2016
author:		DocRock
author email:

Build information:
original map:	yes
map based on:	Christmas theme

utilities used:	valve hammer 3.5.2
		PSP 9
wadincluded:	penguin_snow.wad, cars.wad
models used:	yes

sounds used:	yes

sprites used:	yes

PC Specs:		Windows 7 Professional
		Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3930K
		3.2 Ghz 
		16gb memory 64 bit
Compile Time:	30 mins	

map dedicated to:	babykitkat (always)

beta tester:	my wife, babykitkat
Special Thanks:	qUiCkSiLvEr for candycane and penguin models
		3d Mike for cars.wad
installation:	penguin_park.bsp to valve/maps
		penguin_park.txt to valve/maps
		penguin_park.res to valve/maps
		models to valve/models/penguins
		sounds to valve/sound/penguins
		sprites to valve/sprites/penguins

Map notes:	The penguin models and candycane models were previously
		used in another map of mine called mario_xmas
		To see the all of the models, it is recommended to have 				mp_allowmonsters 1 activated while playing this level

		To do so, pull down console with the ~ tilde key, type 				mp_allowmonsters 1, press enter, then type changelevel
		penguin_park and press enter.