=================================================================================== DATE: October 19, 1999 (final release) =================================================================================== Title : The Yard Files : the_yard.bsp , the_yard.jrf Author : QS (Stephen Smart) Email Address : quantumsaint@yahoo.com Homepage : http://start.at/the.page (Quake2 levels availible) Description : Very small 1 on 1 or 2 on 2 map. This map was made for 2 to 4 player LAN games but should run well on the internet also. This one is kinda plain and more of a Boot Camp look. It was kept basic to keep speeds down and still offer a fairly wide open map. The basic idea is to take over a tower/base and keep others out (defend). Weapons: RPG, AR gun, shotgun, 357, crossbow, grnades, satchels, snark, tripmine And a mounted mortar cannon. =================================================================================== --ADDITIONAL CREDITS-- Playtesters: David, Darrell, Pat, David ========================================================================================= --PLAY INFORMATION-- Game : Half-Life Level Name : The Yard Files : the_yard.bsp , the_yard.jrf Single Player : No Cooperative : No DeathMatch : Yes MAP # of PLAYERS : 2-4 (anymore could be a bit hectic) Difficulty Settings : No Platform(s) used : P200mmx 32MB mem and AMD K6 300 64MB mem Editor used : WC (for compiling also) Known bugs : None that I know of. New sounds/textures/entities : NO ============================================================================================ =========================================================================================== --LOADING INFORMATION-- Download, unzip, and put the .BSP file in your c:\sierra\half-life\valve\maps directory (your drive letter may be different). Its that easy...Done --Additional Notes-- This is the 11th map I made for HL. Its for small games... anything more than 4 players and it will get a bit tight. I am including the JUMBOT ROUTE FILE (jrf). I am no expert at routing the bots so if the routes could be improved there are sites on the internet that will take requests for jrf files and they are very good at making them. R_SPEEDS stay under 500 in all areas except for the very edges of the top of the towers. Doesnt seem to cause any slowdowns. ============================================================================================ --LEGAL-- This Half-Life map/level (The Yard-the_yard.bsp) is (c) 1999 Stephen Smart. DO NOT put this level/map on any sort of commercial product or compilation unless you have permission from me. You MAY distribute this BSP file through any other means, provided you include this .txt file (unaltered) and it is free of charge. Do not modify this BSP in any way.