*** This map is for Half-Life *** 25th of December 1998 =================================================================== Title: A Disgruntled Christmas Filename: xmas.bsp Author: Paris "lookout" Miles age:16 I run http://www.halflife.org/hlrt/ Email Address: psmiles@mssl.uswest.net (may change ISP soon though..) Description: Some part of the base..... with um.... a celebration and stuff heheh The tree is supposed to look like that.... I didn't want it "perfect" cus trees aren't ..... Additional Credits to: Rust for previous help with my mapping in Quake and Quake2. Valve for making the kickass game I knew it would be. Valve for including WorldCraft with the game, even though I had bought WC 1.6 before =D. And all the people in #valve for their somewhat bittersweet feedback. heheh..... =================================================================== * Play Information * Single Player: yeah.... its not really that though =D Cooperative: No Deathmatch: No Difficulty Settings: No New Sounds: No New Graphics: No New Music: No * Construction * Base: Scratch Editor(s) used: WorldCraft 2.0 Known Bugs: ? Construction time: ~3 hours, (most for crappy detail on tree) Computer Used: P2-266, 64mb (DIMM's) Ram, 8 gig HD w/ 256 mb perm swap file, Monster 3d Voodoo2 8MB, Windows 98. Texture Wad used: None ==================================================================== *Installation* xmas.bsp - [Map] goes in [HD]:\...\Half-life\valve\maps ==================================================================== © Copyright 1998 psmiles@mssl.uswest.net