The game name I use is Junkaroo, I'm owner and admin of YES BOTS, @ YES RECON I've put this website together in hopes to help you and myself as well. It's all about having fun, I love playing the game , And I enjoy watching players play the game. I'm just glad there are players out there that still enjoy the game. HALF-LIFE 1 was released in 1998, I have been playing since then off and on. Started this server a long time ago with the help of a friend Flatline , We couldn't get the bots to work, found out I needed to install the updated OZ Deathmatch mp.dll file and got the bots to work. So I decided to call the server YES BOTS. And a second server YES Recon So when you see the server and there are players without a country code before the name "[US]", then they are bots. I will not use FAKE player Bots, Server owners that use jk_botti to fake players thinking they are real players are simply LAZY server owners, faking you of thinking they have players, Fake Ping and Time and all. So don't be fooled, play on a server where you know they only use 6 bots.
YES BOT uses a Mod called OZ DeathMatch, it has config files that allows an Admin to set them anyway they like, anywhere from the Weapons, Runes, Grapple, Player speed and even the colors of tripmines line beam and a whole lot more. And guess what, We run more than 1 map, what's the sense of running a server that runs ONLY 1 map all day 7 days a week. Not here, We use a Large mapcycle and we have a handful of VIP's that can change maps at your request. Do you have a Favorite map? it's all up to you. All you have to do is go to the Contact page to request maps. So sit back and enjoy the website. We have Some videos and screenshots from the server and will be updated frequently, so check back as often as you can, You just may be in the video of the Month.